4 au 6 février 26

Start2Cybersecurity [NL]

Programme complet

Start2Cybersecurity [NL]

Kurt Callewaert, HOWEST RESEARCH

vendredi 02 février 2024
icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 13:30-14:00

You may already be convinced that cyber security is important, and you may already be applying traditional advice to make your office and industrial environments more cyber-secure. But the reality is that it is impossible to always equip 100% of devices with the latest software updates, there are still applications for which Multi-Factor Authentication cannot be enabled, and users keep opening malware and clicking through on phishing mails.

During this short expert session, Kurt Callewaert will give a number of practical tips and tricks to deal with this reality and increase the cyber resilience of your company.

On the other hand, should you not yet be convinced of the importance of cyber security: from 2025, a number of European laws and directives will come into force for cyber security, such as DORA, NIS2 and CRA. This means that from 2025 - and perhaps even earlier - a very large group of companies will be required to comply with established cybersecurity standards, and on top of that, to assess how cyber-secure their digital supply chain is. So having your cyber security well-regulated becomes a competitive advantage.

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