31 JAN &
1-2 FEB '24




At Coretecs, our mission is to drive transformative change in industries through the power of smart technology integration. Guided by innovation, data-driven insights, and a commitment to sustainable growth, we strive to revolutionise industrial processes. Moreover, we aim to improve operational efficiency and create lasting value for our partners, customers, and stakeholders. With a focus on seamless connectivity, automation and intelligent decision-making, we are committed to shaping the future of industries. Let’s usher in a new era of productivity, quality, and excellence together! With us, it’s not just about ideas. Indeed: we go for results. Our expertise lies in turning strategy into tangible solutions, empowering both your people and your business to leap forward. Our technical know-how ranges from E&I design to cutting-edge AI applications and includes automation, connectivity, data platform, and advanced software applications. Our unique strength? Bridging the crucial gap between information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT), thus creating a unified operational framework from the shop floor to the boardroom and back. At Indumation 2024, we will demonstrate the powerful Unified Namespace (UNS) architecture that establishes a single point of truth for your company. Our AI for Industry experts will also be there, so let's meet at our booth!


Product group
Engineering, Process optimization, Scada/DCS/PLC/EAI, Industrial networks, Process control, Operator interface systems, Controllers, Software applications, System Implementation, System design, Engineering system, Hardware integration, Energy-, safety-, security- and access management software, MES software, Database software, Production planning software, Maintenance software, Soft - PLC, IioT, Big Data, AI, Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Smart factories, components and systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Digital Twin Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Digital Manufacturing, Self-Learning, Machine Learning, Analytics, AR-VR-XR
Website & Catalog
Product group
Engineering, Process optimization, Scada/DCS/PLC/EAI, Industrial networks, Process control, Operator interface systems, Controllers, Software applications, System Implementation, System design, Engineering system, Hardware integration, Energy-, safety-, security- and access management software, MES software, Database software, Production planning software, Maintenance software, Soft - PLC, IioT, Big Data, AI, Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Smart factories, components and systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Digital Twin Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Digital Manufacturing, Self-Learning, Machine Learning, Analytics, AR-VR-XR