31 JAN &
1-2 FEB '24




Stand 114 Bintz Technics is more than just a distributor of industrial components. For more than 40 years, we have been thinking along with our customers and know the industrial automation market inside out. We are happy to share this knowledge with our customers. For us, training and support are a must for a long-term relationship with all customers. Our team of certified employees strives to offer you the best possible support. Together, we look for what your automation project needs. Both before, during and after your purchase. Our clientele includes companies that realise both small and large automation projects: From sole traders to multinationals, from production companies to machine builders.


Product group
Electromechanical gears, drives and transmissions, Electric gears, drives and transmissions, Mechanical gears, drives and transmissions, Motion control, Service and maintenance, Process optimization, Wireless systems, Scada/DCS/PLC/EAI, Industrial networks, Operator interface systems, Pressure measurement, Temperature measurement, Level measurement, Controllers, Regulators, Analysis devices, Sensor systemen, Software applications, Maintenance, revision, retrofit and service solutions, Energy-, safety-, security- and access management software, Database software, Soft - PLC, IioT, Smart factories, components and systems, 5G, Edge, Cloud, LoRa, Lifi, Wifi connectivity, storage, monitoring
Website & Catalog
Product group
Electromechanical gears, drives and transmissions, Electric gears, drives and transmissions, Mechanical gears, drives and transmissions, Motion control, Service and maintenance, Process optimization, Wireless systems, Scada/DCS/PLC/EAI, Industrial networks, Operator interface systems, Pressure measurement, Temperature measurement, Level measurement, Controllers, Regulators, Analysis devices, Sensor systemen, Software applications, Maintenance, revision, retrofit and service solutions, Energy-, safety-, security- and access management software, Database software, Soft - PLC, IioT, Smart factories, components and systems, 5G, Edge, Cloud, LoRa, Lifi, Wifi connectivity, storage, monitoring